Phil is the type of guy to want to fight you and get knocked out . Is pretty big and usually in there mid to late 20s . Phil never hits legs and wears girl clothes to show off his muscles . Don’t be like Phil
Who’s the at feminine man over there , oh don’t worry that’s just Phil.
The Bald guy from accounting generally. Phil just materializes at the age of 40 with a receding hair line.
Kevin: Bro did you check out Phil’s hair line?
Greg: No because it doesn’t exist
Kinda like a Kyle, it stems from a Phil that decided to bully a teen posting his senior pics... First Phil called him gay, then PM'd him, screenshots of that were shared everywhere, Phil lost his job, perhaps his fiancee, and certainly the respect of everyone
Calling a kids senior pics gay is such a Phil thing to do, May the internet deliver karma swiftly!
A dumb fucking faggot who probably takes a picture with a daddy mug and then drags it hella.
Hey Philly Foreskin😂😂😂- Gavin Fraley(aka 8:18)