A. the swagger walk with a leaning motion one who brokers the sexual favors of women for profits and they walk with a limp
B. a good looking pimp with solid body structure, swagger and style
Bro! Did you see that pimp?
Naw man, why?
He's got a solid Pimp Curve going on right there!
A person who has viewed every episode of "cooking with Coolio" and is now therefore an expert at ghetto gourmet, pasta like a Rasta, and chillin and grillin'. Kitchen pimps are experts at taking cheap, nasty ingredients that no one wants an making them look appetizing, similar to how a normal pimp uses nasty whores and still makes money. Every true kitchen pimp has a kitchen pimp jacket, look up cookin' with coolio for examples.
guy 1: Yo that guy has mad cookin skills.
guy 2: Ya he's a kitchen pimp now bruh.
Papa Pimp aka Papa Gimp 2. / (papa ɡɪmp) / noun. US and Canadian offensive, slang a physically disabled person, esp one who is lame. slang a sexual fetishist who likes to be dominated and who dresses in a leather or rubber body suit with mask, zips, and chains. One who wears glasses with hidden cameras and stalks college campuses 20 years after their eligibility status has expired. A long faced fool who looks like a stunt double for the Easter Islands statues and wears church socks pulled to his knees with a matching Wal-Mart Burberry shorts set. Favorite beverage is Mike's Hard Lemonade.
This dude walks around with hidden cameras thinking hes a pimp but hes 49 years old searching for women at walmart to post on Boxden calling himself papa pimp
the monk who pimps all the local ladies
yeah but be sure to watch out for the pimp monk
(In reality television), the last performance of the night on a show which uses the public vote as the deciding factor, usually the most remembered and least likely to be voted off. Often used by producers to try and sway the vote.
It's obviously rigged for Yasmin, she's had four pimp slots on the bounce.
1. The drink you get from mixing Dr. Pepper and whiskey especially Jack Daniels.
2. Anything as awsome as the drink deskribed above.
1. I had some Dr. PIMP it was Dr. Pimp.
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When a persons got the highest level of swagger in the way they walk, talk and act. In order for someone to have a high PIMP STATUS one must usually abide by some simple rules in order to become successful. These things are as followed Cool, Amazing, Lucky, EGO BOOST (C.A.L.E)
Cool- make sure you wear the best up to date things to make your Pimp Status highest as possible Ex. Stripe collared shirts, Tie dye shoes and retro cereal box watches etc.
Amazing- This is simple for many but harder for others. In order to be " AMAZING" this relies solely on your speech. Some examples of things you can say to achieve a high PIMP STATUS is " I don't Currrrr!!!!" and " That's how I do!"
Lucky- Everyone needs a little luck in their lives and in order to achieve a PIMP STATUS you must have a little luck.
EGO BOOST- Start out by being just nice then create a plot for world domination using this. Once in a while mention how "GODLY" you are to people then after a while people will start believing you. Believe it or not the more you say it the harder it will be for people to deny.
By doing these things you will be able to obtain or retain your PIMP STATUS. The word PIMP STATUS must ALWAYS be capitalized because it is the most important title you could ever get. If you follow these simple steps your PIMP STATUS will be HUUUUGGGGEEE!!!!!!!
Ally: OMG your so godly! I wanna know why you are so PIMP'N?
You: I don't currrr, what you want! and I know! its because of my tie dye shoes and retro cereal box watch that I have a high PIMP STATUS! Now follow C.A.L.E and you could be a PIMP TOO! yyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
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