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Cuckopus Rex

A cross between a cuck and a mamaโ€™s boy with an oedipal complex.

Man all those deplorables and proud boy incel creepers have a real Cuckopus Rex thing with creepy step-dad Ken Trump.

by El Borgninio July 6, 2018

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


Consuming alcohol to such a point that two things happen:

1. As mentioned above, one holds one's arms in a perched position as a T-Rex might;

and 2. When attempting to walk, one stumbles around in a stomping fashion as a T-Rex might, often destroying whatever gets in the way.

Optional: A drunken roar every now and then.

Oh shit, Trevor's T-Rexing all over the place.

by swoopaloop64 August 31, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stinkosaurus Rex

The Mother Of All Farts; a really smelly, garlicky SBD.

Chreesus Jist, who laid that Stinkosaurus Rex?

by pentozali June 30, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

penisaurus rex

1.An ancient entity part of a race of dinosaur known as <i>penisuclus erectamonus</i>.

2.Christopher Walken.

3.In other words, a penisaurus rex.

Dennis has claimed to have spotted the fluids of a rare penisaurus rex.

"Oh my, its so large and shapeful. Just look at its curvy features."

by Typhoon G. Nguyen May 24, 2008

33๐Ÿ‘ 55๐Ÿ‘Ž

Honkysaurus Rex

A huge white dick. Thought to be non-existant or extinct

Pornos have fake Honkysaurus Rexes

by Bob December 10, 2003

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Clitorasorous rex

When a woman's Clitoris is enlarged/ elongated so much so its like sucking a golf ball. partially resembles a herm

err fuk around johnny your mum's got a right Clitorasorous rex. it was so big i thort she has both bits.

by holmanator March 19, 2010

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jesasaurus rex

Spoke of in the bible frequently. This is a tall, hairy, man, with small arms and an apt to turn water into wine.

Fuck look at that tal hary man with small arms...

Shit that is a jesasaurus rex!!

by jesasaurus rex May 23, 2011

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