When you see a super loose slutty girl on a beach and her pussy lips are hanging out so far you can see them. You dip your toe in the sand and shove it up her pussy
Some thot over there lips were hanging out so I gave her the sandy hot pocket
When you shit on the beach then squish your juicy ass into your shit and in between your buns and then feed that pile of sandy burger to your partner
Hey Anthony, that sandy burger you made me earlier was almost as juicy as your ass
"This screaming bitch has a real sandy pussy. Beating his pussy up like a codfish because he didn't win his Facebook argument and feel like the enlightened idiot he is."
Participant 1 (typ. Male) prepares himself by gently massaging the tip of his penis with fine grit sandpaper whilst Participant 2 (typ. Female) prepares the empty socket (eye) by placing four drops of four loko into the empty socket. Once all preparations have been made, participants align their bodies with the head at the feet of the other participant and vice versa in the typical “69” sexual position. Once both participants are in the proper positions, you are to be fully inserted and lie still for up to 6 hours at minimum. Full sexual climax is not to be achieved.
Full sexual climax is not to be achieved for the Sideways Sandy.
Sandy is a really fun, supportive and loving type of guy who if you give the chance will cherish you. He also sticks up for his friends alot if anyone messes with his best friends he will beat them up badly. Some Sandy's don't look "attractive" on the outside but they have gold hearts full of love.
Sandy(boy) is a great guy who loves his friends and you don't even wanna know what he thinks of his enemies
When ur balls get sandy after u go to the beach
Jeeze after going the beach I got some major sandy jewels