Pure stupidity, leads to another branch of distracted driving and causes car accidents which leads to major injuries and even death.
Sally was caught texting and driving a little to late, she got distracted, which then caused a head on collision.
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A person who has recently gotten a cell phone or an unlimited texting plan and starts texting everyone in their phonebook. They also participate in every texting chain mail sent to them, thus irritating everyone in their phone book. Can be found texting 24/7. They also advertise this upgrade on social networking sites such myspace
"Omg! I just got a phone with unlimited texting! ::then proceeds to text entire phonebook::
(myspace status) Yo guyz, jus got ma nuw fone!! Txt it up! 5555555555
Friend 1: stop forwarding me chain mail!
Friend 2: omg your such a texting newb
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Using Facebook Mobile to have a Facebook message conversation with another friend on Facebook who has Facebook Mobile
Jake- "My cell phone keeps beeping because Jessica keeps Facebook messaging me."
Nick- "Isn't she driving? How does she have internet?"
Jake- "No dude, she's texting the messages to Facebook using Facebook Mobile, just like me."
Nick- "Congrats, you're Facebook Texting."
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Texting your way out of a situation, without having to talk.
John- Are you going on your first date with that Cathy girl you met last week.
Keith- Naw.... I texted-out, I didnt have the heart to call!!
My boss knew i was sick, so instead of calling... I just Texted-out.
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A masturbate text is a text message sent out in the moments leading to a masturbation session. The text is sent in hopes of a quick response potentially leading to intercourse rather than self pleasure. If the recipient does not respond in a short period of time, it is acceptable to continue with the original plan to masturbate. This rarely works but is something worth trying on select occasions.
It was tuesday night and I was about to go to bed but I thought I'd masturbate before hand. I decided to send out a few masturbate texts to test the waters. I didn't receive an acceptable response within 45 seconds so I proceeded to masturbate.
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to dump someone by text message
Fed got dumped by text! Brittany is hot and single again!
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1. The main reason why children in Africa are dying.
2. Type of writing used mostly by individuals bewteen the ages of 12 and 25, usually showing a lack of any communication skills. Also is a sure sign of laziness, and people who recieve messages written in text talk often suffer from body traumas and vivid hallucination.
Regular message:
Hey, Timmy, do you have to go to the mall? Kathy told me to ask you that if you're going, could you please buy her that green shirt? Because, oh my God, it's just so fucking adorable!
Text talk message:
hey timmy d u have 2 g 2 da mall?? kathy tld me 2 ask u tht if u're goin could u plzz bi hr tht grn shrt?? caus omg it jst so fukin adrbl!!11!
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