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Cream pie

The one type of pie you can't make in November

Her: should i make a cream pie tonight?

Him: you can't it's November.
Her: so?
Him: it's NNN
Her: fuck off, thats not what i ment.

by Dev not conner baslow December 10, 2019

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Deserving ice cream two times for back to back ass whooping, should be said in escalating chant.

twice-cream, twice-cream, twice-cream, Twice-Cream, Twice-Cream, TWICE-CREAM, TWICE-CREAM!!!! Going to king cone after a win for some twice-cream.

by Crusader#16 May 6, 2009

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Ice cream

To engage in a sexual activity; have sex

I had me some ice cream last night.

by Angelface June 3, 2003

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Crispy cream

Getting set on fire or being burned

That guys trying to crispy cream me with his flamethrower.

by Star killer October 8, 2011

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Ice Cream

Slang term for Crystal, ice, methamphetamine, etc when in crystallized shards that look like glass or ice.

HeyHey YoYo, can I getta pint of that delicious Superman blue homemade ice cream? The brain freeze from that shizzle is FIRE!

by AtotheZzz July 24, 2017

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Shit Cream

The art of freezing your own Poop and convicing your firends that they are eating chocolate ice cream. :)

Guy1: Hey you want some ice cream
Guy2: Yeh man sounds good.
Guy2: Ooo What Flavour is this is seems nutty
Guy1: My Shit Cream

by The Founder123453 June 25, 2009

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Strawberries and Cream

When you eatin a girl out while she on her period, she comes, and she squirt it in your mouth

Last night while I was eating Kelly, she came and gave me some Strawberries and Cream.

by Unthoughtmind February 13, 2016

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