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liam payne

he acts like a cute little puppy and we all know him and love him

im in love with liam payne

by bobthebuilderfan May 9, 2021

Liam Gorell

Liam is a weird and strange thing. Is also another word for penis

I like playing with my Liam gorell

by PenisEnlargememt May 17, 2020

Liam stan

Person who loves and defends Liam Payne more than anything else

They're my favorite Liam stan

by evermoreweekend April 8, 2021

Liam Rigg

Has sus photos on his phone of families he also moderates on discord.
He plays league of legends and is a master of fortnite and mma.
The game is the game

Did that guy just take a picture of me and my child and upload it to discord he is such a Liam Rigg

by ANDWHaT!!!??? April 20, 2023

liam mackay

a fucking retard

person 1: who’s that?

person 2: oh that’s liam mackay, he’s a retard

by beefyflaps July 2, 2019

Liams wedding

Liam loves a person called dakota and are going out and are probably married when ur reading this 💍🥺❤

I got invited to Liams wedding

by Liamy boiii December 31, 2021

Liam’s slipknot

The Liam’s slipknot is a slipknot made out of cat shit you take the cat shit and make a slipknot then let it harden wait for the aroma to be so strong it kills you before the slipknot

Damn nigga he really killer himself with a Liam’s slipknot

by Liams are gay October 25, 2020