When someone tries to define a person's values based on acts that could be described as either "acts of a saint" or "acts of a sinner".
Person 1: Are you a sinner or a saint?
Person 2: I'll tell you a secret. There´s no sinner like a saint
Person 3: Sinner or saint is a term for the uncertainty of someones intentions.
Someone that always has self convinced justification for every decision and tends to judge others and be mean while hiding behind a blanket of self spoken excuses to be mean. They tend to be defensive and give excuses when they recieve any criticism, and they love to call other people assholes when really they are the meanest of them all. Great at convincing themselves they're right, to a toxic degree that tends to make their lives very average and lacking of intense fun. They tend to live in Alabama, Kansas, or some state where they end up alone as shit doing some boring ass shit.
Dude, f*co having Kevin over. He thinks he's Mr. I do everything right and everyone else is just annoying. Noone likes The Mean Saint.
A guy who likes to spit on females backs an make it seem like he has cum
I have just saint Matthew you
Saint's Day, noun.
A day honoring one or more saints. Often used humorously, in recognition of the fact that almost all days are saints days.
"I ain't no alchy! Ah only drink on saints days!"
The state people enter when they start defending HRH Prince Harry with their life. In this mode, Prince Harry can do no wrong, he can shoot a puppy and it will be totally fine to the subject who has entered the Saint Harry mode.
People in Saint Harry mode will never admit that HRH is capable of making mistakes. They are convinced he has never made a mistake, will never make a mistake, and will blame anything that looks like a mistake on others, who deliberately did something to make Prince Harry look bad.
Often confused with people who are merely defending Prince Harry, while remaining reasonable and being able to admit that he is a human being who makes mistakes and isn't perfect.
Woah this blog is on Saint Harry mode.
Ugh I hate it when the Saint Harryers come talk shit on anon.
Okay maybe it wasn't his fault but now you're just in Saint Harry mode, stop.
Sarcastic term for da "worshipingly placing on a lofty pedestal" way dat a naive youngster views any indulgent adult who is always forthcoming wif da shiny "Jefferson discs" whenever said pint-sized requests dem to buy gum/candy, a ride on a mechanical horse, etc.
While it is certainly true dat having a "Saint Nickelas" in a youngster's family or social circle of grownups may indeed seem wonderful and pleasurable to said small child, such easy-to-come-by monetary indulgence can lead to a lack of financial awareness/savvy, false sense of entitlement, laziness, etc. If da child's parents are not overly forthcoming wif said resources themselves, it is probably because they are trying to teach their offspring dat "money doesn't grow on trees", and thus honestly-acquired funds must be earned through honest labor and/or prudent investing, not merely be begged for; having someone else be a ready source of loose change will only undermine said spartan parents' teachings.
An important item that allows you to communicate effectively with your team over large distances, not unlike a prayer because if you speak into it and expect a response you will be disappointed
Id love to ask for some assistance with this task, but i must have grabbed saint’s radio by accident