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double fist the sun

When one signifigantly exceeds the legal Blood alcohol level and then proceeds to pick up a guitar and/or activate their vocal chords in a spree of frivolous, nonsensical, improvised musical glory. Most common in High School and College students. The Term is coined by the band from Norwood,Ma of the same name. Their smash hits include The Cream Between, Poturglar, and The Horse Song

This Weekend? I don't know, I guess we could go fucking crazy and double fist the sun a little bit, i just came up with a pretty fisty riff.

by Joe Ruscio September 12, 2005

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Sun on Your Feet

Slang for breast reduction.

Dang Pat you have big boobs, you look like you could use some sun on your feet.

by JTSex May 15, 2018

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capri-sun vodkas

A drink promising side effects that will; render you a crying mess, convincing you everyone is married and then will theive your ability to walk or bunch together more than 3 syllables, however as if by magic when you see ya girl this mysterious concoction will make you promptly obtain the persona of a high class russian stripper

Omg  I cant believe you gave them capri-sun vodkas again theyll be slut dropping  to asda convinced theyll see kevin costner then mourning the death of  Tobey Maguire as spiderman in no time

by JuicyOliwia6669 September 20, 2017

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I love the sun

"I fucked your mum"
In the style of cockney rhyming slang, this can be used to say "I fucked your mum" even in a more formal setting among those in the know while seeming perfectly polite.

"Oi, oi mate. I love the sun."
"Ohhhhh fuck off mate"

by Duoquadragesimal May 9, 2022

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Yi Sun-shin

Famous Korean admiral mostly known destroying a shitload of japs and their ships. Taught the Japanese that cannons>boarding ships. Defeated a 300+ ship fleet with only 12 ships. Underrated by westerners who haven't heard of him and he is probably the greatest admiral in the world. Kicked ass and never lost a single battle.

Person 1: Dude, you are so good. You must be the reincarnation of Admiral Nelson.
Person 2: No, I am Yi Sun-Shin, master of strategy and bane of the nips!

by LittleBoy+FatMan February 12, 2018

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House of The Rising Sun

House of the Rising Sun is a song written by The Animals in 1964. It is considered a rock classic, and currently holds the record for Most Auditioned Song for American Idol. The Animals later revealed that the song itself is about a prison, referencing a "ball and chain" in the lyrics as well as the title "House of the Rising Sun" which is a reference to the fact that prisoners wake at sunrise.

Did you hear Haley Reinhart's take on House of the Rising Sun? It was amazing

by secretbranch September 15, 2014

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Ub3r sex toy, or ub3r m3at shield.

Wow Sun-Cobra died for me agian!

by God. May 29, 2004

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