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square roots

any item of Vans merchandise due to the fact the V is a square root and the word looks like 'Square root of the answer'

Yo, should i wear my Cats or my Square Roots?

by Jonathan floyd January 3, 2006

7๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be extremely ghetto. (black on the inside and black on the outside)

Brought to you by Peace & Love. V@n & Cece

Some b-squared bitches came in last night with jordans and a weave

by Peace & love January 22, 2007

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

squar bear

someone who hasent kissed or "made out" and wont do anything sexual with the oppisite sex.

ex 1. DANG!!! that chik is squarer then balls.

ex 2. Na dude she wont kiss you shes to much of a squar bear

by sweetnsexi March 15, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Messaha Square

A sqaure located on Egypt, Cairo, Dokki. Fulla embassies and schools.

Yo, I'ma hit da Messaha Square.

by Swingsta December 15, 2003

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DL Squared

"DADDY LONG LEGS" Any male that has super skinny and very long legs. Lookin' like a spider.

JO! That boy be a DL squared over there look at his spider legs!

by Kari Mackenzie February 6, 2008

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A gay guy who spends $300 for trucker-style T-shirts and $500 for trucker caps by D-Squared, a Canadian designer. Also means a big sucker.

Sean Hayes went to Barneys and got D-squared!

by aaron atlas February 22, 2005

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square one

RBD Library, or any place in general that you have to go, sit for hours studying your ass off, and frequently visit every week.

"'Sup my boy."
"What's goin on?"
"(sigh....) Square one...."

by guitplyr86 December 9, 2006

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