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butterfly bob

Butterfly bob is a noble creature. You may trust butterfly bob with your credit card information, IP address and identity. Butterfly bob should be trusted with your life, love butterfly bob


by Butterfly bob May 22, 2022

Social Butterflying

Someone who is “very” active and popular on social media connections like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat OVER sharing experiences and pics with friends and fam. Can be either female or male. They share all their micro moments of life on the internet.

J “Geez , I can’t stop SOCIAL BUTTERFLYING. I am constantly over posting on Facebook every freaking thing of my days. I have no shame!”
Q “Dude. What the heck? You can’t stop spilling the tea!”

by yrogpinklady February 19, 2021

Brown Eyed Butterfly Kiss

The act of rubbed your butt with another persons butt while being lathered with soap. Much like a butterfly kiss but with buttcheeks.

my boyfriend gave me a brown eyed butterfly kiss in the shower, he is so sweet.

by Stoctopus March 16, 2021

The To Pimp A Butterfly Effect

When an album is so widely praised for being perfect in every sense of the word that people can feel afraid to criticize it or even listen to it for fear of disliking it. Also called The Dark Side Of The Moon Effect and The In The Aeroplane Over The Sea Effect.

i hear people raving about to pimp a butterfly all the time but im scared to listen to it. what if i don't like it?

obligatory mention of the to pimp a butterfly effect so this can be submitted

by snoleopard7 November 16, 2024

Butterfly efect

One moment you changed life

How are you rich ? Because its maybe butterfly efect

by Liba November 10, 2019

Nut butterflies

The term used when you are standing on the side of a tall building and you get flutters in yours nuts

A term used when you get butterflies from looking at a total babe

That Jenny totally gave me nut butterflies

by #troutout September 5, 2014

Nut butterfly

When spreading your nuts over a facial feature perhaps

Yeah man I gave your sister a nut butterfly last night

by #troutout September 5, 2014