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"Man, I Don't Have Enough Guitar Pedals"
A game invented by a guitar teacher to motivate students to learn their chords.
Jared: Ok Jill, you are not practicing enough, lets play strip guitar….. if you do not know a chord I request you must remove one article of clothing. U know, I remove one article.
Jill: I am going to be an expert!!
When something or someone doesn’t feel the same as it used to and there is no point anymore.
I tried to play guitar after years but i don’t have the same passion, its a guitar effect.
The act of licking a females anal opening while reaching around and fingering her, resembling the act of playing a guitar. Somewhat like the Rusty Trombone
Non-Bro: Yo bro! I just rusty guitar'd that chick, it was insane!
Other guy: Yo you're sick man!
A fabulous piece of modern pop jewelry gaining popularity since about 1995. This jewelry features a pendant made out of a guitar pick or plectrum which can be made from a variety of materials including celluloid which is the current industry standard.
Hey, let's go to and see if we can find a great new guitar pick necklace to go with our outfits!
more commonly reffered to as "kristen" or a person that is extremely good at the game "guitar hero.
boy that guitar hero god is sure rocking this place up with her amazing skills.
Shredding in guitar playing means when a guitar player is showing a great amount of of technical ability in their playing which can be very diverse. For example playing beautiful slow melody done during improvisation can be called shredding. And playing 10 notes per second are also called shredding.
Look ! that guitarist is shredding the guitar