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Name Nazi

A person who spends a lot of time on Internet baby names discussion boards, making it her business to instruct others, in an authoritarian manner, as to what they should or should not name their babies.

The typical name nazi tends to be female and conservative, and will berate and ridicule anyone whose tastes deviate from those of the herd.

Her cautionary catchphrase consists of: "Other children will make fun of your child if you name her that!" Ironically, the brandished, name-teasing schoolyard bullies are most likely to be the offspring of the name nazis themselves, having learned their behavior from their mothers.

She posted that she was thinking of naming her baby "Indigo" and, omg, the board's name nazis all jumped on her.

by Rachaelle June 12, 2006

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Nazi Punk

A Punk Rocker who uses the Swastica as a Tag i.e. Gets a Swastica Tattoo, Spray paints the Swastica on walls etc. and who publicly expresses there dislike for Jews

"Whats with all the Nazi Punks?"

by Joshua Wyatt March 22, 2006

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Nazi Roundhouse

Defacating on a girl's face, forming a "hitler" style 'stache, then kicking her repeatedly, because she chooses to honor a man of such disgrace

My meanie boyfriend gave me a Nazi Roundhouse last night and I had to go to the emergency room!

Last night I gave a hoe a Nazi Roundhouse and broke that bitch's jaw.

by Cheesin23 March 15, 2009

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dirty nazi

sometimes called the punisher, the dirty nazi is like the shocker only instead of two in the cooty but one for the booty, its one in the meat and two in the seat.

the name is just really funny.

Jan got dirty nazied by a dirty nazi

by grey April 7, 2005

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Ice Nazi

Someone who is anal about ice being thrown or being tossed into a pool.

Wow Aaron is being a real ice nazi at this party tonight

by jack0thatsme March 9, 2011

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refill nazi

Much like the soup nazi. Any waiter who refuses a refill if you have ordered something wrong, or if they try to make you pay for a refill. This goes also for the concession stand workers.

1. Can I get a refill of Root Beer please?
No refill for you!
Refill Nazi!

2. Can I get a refill of Root Beer please?
That will be 50 cents.
Refill Nazi!

by Quick Draw September 8, 2006

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Offside Nazi

Someone who is extremely anal about the offside rule in football, whether the game is social or competitive and will rage on about it; regardless of the fact that noboby else cares.

โ€œSam is a real Offside Nazi at trainingโ€
โ€œI know right, the rest of us are just trying to have funโ€

by smashingtod69 August 2, 2011

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