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Field Tripping

getting high on a field trip for school

Guy 1: "lets hotbox my car before school"
Guy 2: "but don't we have a field trip today?"
Guy 1: "yeah man, we be field tripping"

by sully1129 August 23, 2013

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split trip

to go on holiday with your missus/bird/girlfriend as opposed to your mates.

you going on holiday with the lads? no, the missus!

aah! split trip!

by Andrew Warwick February 11, 2004

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set trip

to be tied in with multiple gangs

boi set trip fuck around and get dipped

nigga i really set trip i got red πŸ‘Ί and blue πŸŒ€ killers

by LordaLow March 27, 2022

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Tripping Assholes

To have an extremely hard drug trip, usually associated with shrooms. Derived from "Tripping balls"


by ohbaby69 June 18, 2009

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head trip

Another word for blow job.

She was always giving head trips to her male 'friends'.

by mysteriousnotations September 13, 2007

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Wisconsin Death Trip

The Wisconsin Death trip is a celebration of life in the midst of death, and a celebration of death in the midst of life. Common elements of the death trip include:

The Funeral Drinking Game
Photography of the person laying in state.
The endless loop Seasons of Your Life animation montage of the deceased
Memorial Day cemetery picnics
Cookie Cutters made from home casting raised letters from tombstones
Meeting a future spouse at a funeral

Dealing with death stress by having particularly good sex

But, there are regional variations.

Some of this has been documented in a book called Wisconsin Death Trip by Michael Lesy, Charles Van Schaik, and Warren Susman.

I thought I could escape the Wisconsin Death Trip by moving away from Wisconsin until I realized that we all carry the Wisconsin death trip within us β€” even people who aren’t from Wisconsin.

by Mind Hunter the Profiler December 8, 2022

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Tripping the rift

When a person or object leaves the physical world behind, and becomes completely virtual.

Steve: you're online

J.J.: yep
J.J.: online only!
J.J.: i've now gone completely virtual

Steve: wow
Steve: tripping the rift!

by birdy58033 May 19, 2010

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