Any one person to be hit in the face with any object exceeding five pounds. Sustain serious injury to face and or other extremities.
person 1- woahh!!! watch out.
person 3- she just got sam haynes'd
22๐ 2๐
Every Sam I know is gay... like the real big gay
"see that guy over there? His name is Sam and Sam is gay. Like double ultra triple gay."
119๐ 21๐
the guy who mashed up songs by lady gaga, michael jackson and others. he's a current student from Yale and hits the best notes. he is an internet sensation, especially in youtube.
Sam Tsui just mashed up Lady Gaga.
38๐ 5๐
The equivilant of Jack Campbell and Duke Nukem put together that lays the smack down on ass loads of beheaded gun toting suicide bombers and knock offs of doom monsters in ancient egypt.
How many monster, really, are there in serious sam?
59๐ 9๐
The flying outfielder of the Tampa Bay Rays. Once said to have created the universe, he is now retired from being supreme overlord of Earth and robs hits in his spare time.
-Did you see that catch by Sam Fuld?
-Not surprising, the ball knows where to go by now.
Someone who would literally do anything for Sam, Anything just to be as close to him as possible, like a relationship but unstated.
unwanted underfed pet. lives off of his own mucus. eats ham and is a fish. always ginger.
hey look its Sam Badnell. retard alert!