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Get fucked

You're emilie!? get fucked!

by Oigitfuk November 11, 2019

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


A chick-fil-a employee who is extremely filled with emotions. Very sensitive. Will not hesitate to call you a bitch. She will tell you exactly how she feels about you at any given moment, but she doesn't do it to hurt your feelings, it's just how she feels.

Person one: "Oh hey Emily"

Emily: "oh hey.. i need to tell you something.. its just how i feel: YOU'RE A BITCH."

by hellokitty69BIRTHDAYSEX September 12, 2010

51๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


Pretty but a show-off
Girl who denies her perfections to encourage others to compliment; self-absorbed
Take's selfies consistently, knowing she's beautiful yet loves to be complimented; acts inncocent
Can be a gossiper and act innocent whilst is the jealous type

*someone puts up a pretty selfie*
"AW! you look sah hawt!"
*pscchhh, yeah right.. your way gorg!*
''argh! you act just like emily!"

by BuDDy1849 August 28, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Emily is a wild creature which inhabits small woods searching around from small male hob goblins. Shes a weird soul which has several curls from her balding head. When she finds a hob goblin of her choice, she possess the victim for several days. The victim of an emily will experience several body marks, stamina drained, loss of hair, hairy feet, bite marks and bleeding for different orifices.

After possession victims will feel love for emily and feel the need to be around her consentatly. However emily has gained what she wants from the victim, and reject the victims feelings. The victim will feel a sense of hopelessness and eventually die from a broken heart. Thus emily will absorb the victims soul and move on to her next victim.


'oh now he's been emily'ed!'

'im sure hope emily doesnt turn up'


by iamdabombfrance December 6, 2012

16๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž


Kind of ugly but an overall nice person and usually likes to wear jeans and doesn't know if she is a tomboy or not

Emily: Am I a tomboy or a girly girly?
Everyone: a girly girl

by johnjohnjohnjohn6969 February 22, 2015

9๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everyone wants to be friends with a Emily, but no one likes an Emily. Some Emily's are manipulating, narsasitc, crazy, and bitchy. They don't get enough attention so they find someone to give all there nagative attention too. One Emily buys her Instagram likes and lies about there age and grade to boys. most Emily's think they're the best and can't be out done when in reality Emily's aren't all that pretty and flaunt what they don't have. Some are too faced, and are satin. Emily's are dumb and have no respect for adults including there own mom and grandmother. They'll cough, they'll spit, you can kiss Emily's ass, you can be scared of saying the wrong thing , but don't be fooled from the rat that's inside.

Never be friends with an Emily when you'll end up being scared of not being friends with an Emily

Don't call 911 cuz the "ops" will come

by Over it July 24, 2017

6๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


Everyone wants to be friends with a Emily, but no one likes an Emily. Some Emily's are manipulating, narsasitc, crazy, and bitchy. They don't get enough attention so they find someone to give all there nagative attention too. One Emily buys her Instagram likes and lies about there age and grade to boys. most Emily's think they're the best and can't be out done when in reality Emily's aren't all that pretty and flaunt what they don't have. Some are too faced, and are satin. Emily's are dumb and have no respect for adults including there own mom and grandmother. They'll cough, they'll spit, you can kiss Emily's ass, you can be scared of saying the wrong thing , but don't be fooled from the rat that's inside.

Never be friends with an Emily when you'll end up being scared of not being friends with an Emily

Don't call 911 cuz the "ops" will come

by Over it July 24, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž