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Teet Milk

A practical joke played amongst males. Unlike the purple nurple, Teet milking involves back-handing/hitting the victims’ nipple rather than twisting it. The teet milking process can take time, often resulting in bruising, redness, and even blood emitting from the victims nipple(s)

James - "Can I offer you a glass of....TEET MILK"

Eric - "um whats teet milk?"

(Jim takes his victim buy surprise, back-handing his teet in full force)

by Austin Simpson September 17, 2007

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milk race

when a group of teenager lads have a group masturbation session to see who will come first.

hey mates ive got some porn lets have a milk race.

by grumpyboy September 14, 2005

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spilt milk

Something mildly bad/unpleasant which has already happened, and nothing much can be done about. Usually referred to in the context of "stop crying over spilt milk".

"so you stuffed up a bit, stop cryin over spilt milk"

by robbo May 28, 2004

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man milk

jiz juice

I milked him till I got a mouthful of jiz juice.

by fraterg May 12, 2003

117πŸ‘ 60πŸ‘Ž

Birthday Milk

Milk that comes from a carton that goes off on your birthday.

kip: oh nice one, this is my birthday milk
Pa: ya wont be sayin that when you drink it on your birthday

by PaMcD January 29, 2009

18πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Milk Shitter

Homosexual who shits cum.

Sanchez is the biggest milk shitter I've ever met.

by Chodey McSnatch July 14, 2015

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Vodka milk

Vodka milk?? Monday night?? Spoons with the ladzzzz not going Well??? Grab that vodka, bitttchhhh, add that milky boiii n the party ain't stopping there you end up dancing on the table to arctic monkeys like your history essay is 4999 words out of 5000 being that Sheffield lad u were born n raised ass bbabbyyy.
A drink only the bold would try, nearly a white Russian only a legend would be named after it, try it I dare ya but u will never be THE Vodka milk

Person 1: who is he? That keisha Becky boy over there? It's vodka milk.........?
Person 2: I have my tea with milk... Vodka milk

Person 3: I want a milf... a vodka milf

by TP22VM November 21, 2019

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