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Excited States of America

The USA, called this way in reference to American hysteria, which makes people freak out all the time and do stupid stuff like suspecting and imprisoning anyone of being a communist, go to war without even a good reason or just going around going batshit and yelling "DOOOMED, WE'RE DOOOOMED!!". True story.

Canadians are now calling us the "Excited States of America" since all we seem to do is take erectile dysfunction drugs and go to town hall meetings and scream.

by A_SN August 25, 2009

42πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Street Bitches Of America

"The Street Bitches of America Association (SBAA) are for those who are properly endowed with "whore" and effectively work their corner. You're bringing in the greenbacks, making it rain more than the Flood.

As an active member, you will be expected to maintain the high standards of the "hoe" as well as recruit possible members. But most importantly, enjoy being some of the baddest street bitches there are."

Rules and Regulations:
Members are to adhere to these rules or suffer not only the loss of your place in the club, but of your corner and a rank as a fellow prostiute.

Fuck bitches, get money
Don't accept anything less than a dollar bill.

Keep not only the club, but your actions hush-hush. Cops be trolling.
Don't spread STIs without the person's consent.

Oooh gurl you have enough hoe in you to be a honorary member of the Street bitches of America.

by SBAA Co-Founder :D November 13, 2011

United States of America

Let me describe the USA (the country I live in) from an unbiased viewpoint. Yes, many of us are ignorant, stupid, lazy, and racist. Yes, our government and job market is shit. Much of the accusations are true. However, as an American, I don't appreciate predominantly European people generalizing everybody in my country. I am ashamed at many of the things my countrymen have done throughout history, but it is also a country of equality, where anybody can make something of themself if they work hard enough. Home to some of the greatest musicians, inventors, and scientists of all time. And not to be an ignorant American, but we did help greatly in World War Two. Trying to "hog some glory"? More like winning essential battles, including Normandy (perhaps the most important battle of WWII) with the help of the British and Canadians, of course. Even though Europe was in an enormous state of turmoil, and we helped the Allies greatly, they cannot show gratitude, they can only judge us even more. And let me be perhaps the first in a long while to say: France, thank you for your tremendous help during the Revolution, we wouldn't have won it without you. I write this with the utmost respect for European countries, please respect us a little more, and don't just recognize the bad things about the USA, but the good things as well, as I do.

Englishman: The United States of America is full of ignorant, fat assholes!

Americans: Our country is the best and the Europeans are pessimistic retards!

See? Every country is full of ignorant, moronic people! Find the good in each country and their people, and acknowledge the bad, but don't generalize and discriminate.

by Beatlesman September 30, 2011

1175πŸ‘ 379πŸ‘Ž

United States of America

The World's Scapegoat.

America's a pretty big place, and its full of all different kinds of people everywhere you go.

We're just a bunch of normal people living in a counrty with a messed up reputation and a mighty big spotlight for a mighty small man.

People will be people, wherever they live.

by wysiwyg August 13, 2004

2859πŸ‘ 992πŸ‘Ž

America, Fuck Yeah

The unofficial slogan taken on by many internet chat boards and websites such as 4chan, memes after killing Osama Bin Laden (Officially announced by President Obama May 1st, 2011)

The slogan taken from Team America Movie in 2004

America, Fuck Yeah!!!!

by remoteatroll May 2, 2011

45πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

America fuck yeah

Only the best theme song ever! (theme song to Team America: World Police

1)"America.....Fuck yeah!!"
2) Omg! hav u seen Team America: World Police??? You havnt?? Well...you missed out on a funny movie and an awesome theme song!

by Skittles!! June 9, 2005

342πŸ‘ 113πŸ‘Ž

God bless America

Something that dumb people say purely out of blind, naΓ―ve patriotism. Also something that dumb presidents might say as a cheap one-liner to get a standing ovation.

"Let's go to war and kill lots of innocent people... God bless America!"

by Jasco August 3, 2003

839πŸ‘ 295πŸ‘Ž