Baby dick daddy who engages in extreme amounts of homoerotic sex.
"Ever since Justin moved away he's turned into a real Austin Durham"
A legendary boy, of epic proportions. He harnesses the power of god. He is the proud owner of 50000000 0000000000 carbon atoms.
Bob: Hey, did you hear Austin Entenmann conquered chungusania?
Josh: KEplar JSi 2039920, hi
A beautiful, smart, courages, and all around talented women. I'm exremly proud to call her my girlfriend and i know it will never change baby. I love you with all of my heart!- Jackson Fitts
I can tell from experience maranda austin has a perfect body.
Fat ass hoe must be Austin Pots
The cutest and most perfect couple anyone will ever meet. They are like the stars and the moon, peanut butter and jelly, they are meant to be. They were friends at first but quickly fell for eachother. They both find eachother irresistible and without knowing their love will create such a strong bond that they can’t even picture themselves with another.
Did you see Eden and Austin?
Yes! I wish I had a relationship like them
The term for someone who is too edgy for school
You may be edgy, but not as edgy as Edgy Austin.