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Bad Friend

A person that ditches you for brunch

My bad friend ditched me for brunch.

by bad Friend May 28, 2015

17👍 6👎

bad nade

When in any shooter game a player throws a grenade too close and kills your hole fucking squad/group

gonna nade... oh fuck, bad nade! Bad nade!

by Junkyard Jarvis April 17, 2021

bad succ

any situation that is unpleasant

Coach is making us run sprints? That's a bad succ

by billy brakedance October 9, 2017


An insult to the Indian company named T-Series made by the 9 year olds from PewDiePie.

sub 2 Pewds pls


by Sub 2 pewdiepie pls April 18, 2019

Bad patch

A extremely long period where everything that can go wrong does .

It's a fucking bad patch

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 3, 2020

Bad patch

A extremely long period where everything that can go wrong does .

It's a fucking bad patch

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd December 3, 2020

Bad Ace

1. Very good - #1.

Bad Ace: That dude is one Bad-Ace guitar slinger.

by Satchtola March 30, 2017