Incredibly bad female breasts.
Her titties looked nice in that dress but when I took it off she was rockin some straight sad bags.
the act of wiping ones arse in the direction of the nutbag, hence covering the sack in poo
similar to mud flaps (feminine)
friend: hey joe, whats that smell?
mudbagger: sorry buddy, i just did some heavy mud bagging.
Where someone has a great body but an ugly face so you put a bag over their face and bang it.
Bad hoe
ugly doe
bag it and bang it
"Yo look at dat ass"
"Yeah but that face you nasty..."
"Ill just bag it and bang it!"
Holy shit I really need to empty my god damn falouja bag all over a whores face.
when you go out to the bar and don't have to pay for any drinks
I went out last night and I was totally loot bagging,
A word used when buying a dollar's worth of weed, similar to that of a nickel bag or dime bag. The
amount will most often be 1/20 of a gram and will be extremely annoying to the dealer who has to weigh it out.
Phil: Yo Ferg, you think I can hold that penny bag?
Ferg: Wtf Phil I don't want your dollar just buy a normal amount