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Beaver Pelt

Canadian name for facial hair style, where hair is only present on the neck without any additional mustache, beard, goatee, etc.; interchangeable with "Neckbeard".

Did you see that gross Beaver Pelt Carl was rocking? Grisliest Neckbeard I ever seen!

by discojoe September 23, 2011

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steamy beaver

An unusually hot vagina, often belonging to a fat chick.

I know she's ugly, but she had a mad steamy beaver!

by eafoigrtw November 8, 2007

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Justin Beaver

A term for Justin Bieber who sounds like a pussy so thats where the beaver comes from. If it wasn't for him I would listen to the radio. So i am stuck with youtube. Beyonce has deeper voice than him, his cherry probably hasn't been pooped either. This word can describe ANY kids like.

Girl: OMG I love justin Bieber!!!

Guy: Are you a lesbian because he is really Justin Beaver. So he has a vagina.

Girl: But i love his voice!

Guy: He sounds like a 2 year old girl on helium.

by GO DIE IN A HOLE JB February 23, 2010

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Beaver Sauce

Spicy Chinese Mustard.

Pass the beaver sauce for my ham sandwich, please.

by CG February 21, 2004

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sandy beaver

when you have sex with a women on the beach she gets a sandy beaver

I was having sex with my girl friend on the beach and when we were finished she had a sandy beaver

by stickey fingers 99 July 23, 2008

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Morning Beaver

1) When a woman first wakes up and her vagina is gummy and smelly.

2) Morning breath for your other mouth.

ex: She was down to sex it up right away in the morning, but her morning beaver was intolerable.

by echo_echo_echo March 8, 2011

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smokey beaver

The act of putting a lit bong into a womens vagina, after place into the vagina, hit her lower torso, thus shattering the bong inside of her. If done correct, smoke will seap out of the vagina, thus producing a smokey beaver.

WARNING: This will not get you high.

Wow!, that smokey beaver looked painfull.

Your pussy looks rotten. Have you been expirencing a smokey beave, or have you had any eight-legged walkers?

by Spraynard_Kruger May 28, 2009

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