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brick tamblin

1.a weather reporter from the hit movie anchorman

1.where did you get those clothes from the toilet store
2.people like me because i'm polite and rarely late
3.when there is weather to report i report the weather
4.maybe later on we can get together and touch each other in the bathing suit area
5.years later a doctor will tell me i have an iq of 48 in what most people call mentally retarded
6. brick tamblin reports the weather

by professor R. Trewilliger February 4, 2006

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

brick soccer

brick soccer...a game that not many americans play

you play brick soccer with bricks and a soccer ball and try to knocjk the bricks down with the soccer ball last brick standing is the winner

guy 1: i wanna play soccer but theres to many bricks in the lawn
guy 2: not a problem we can play brick soccer
guy1 : wowziers good idea

by Patrizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzle August 14, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brick Foot

A serious congenital medical condition that renders the victim's feet severely heavy, making it impossible for them to sneak, creep, or move quietly in any manner. The condition is usually diagnosed in college students, with stomping down dormitory halls being the easiest symptom to spot.

Jordan: "Is Jenna wearing lead boots?"
Darren: "No, she has Brick Foot you insensitive prick!"

by Sergeant Soup January 24, 2012

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Shitting Bricks

Being in a tough situation, like going to a girls house that you really like and not knowing what to say...

I was so nervous when I was outside of Julia's house talking to her, man I was shitting bricks

by NotRobert July 10, 2009

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suck brick

an expression which can take the place of some curse words, like FUCK! SHIT! (God)DAMN(it)! and SON-OF-A-BITCH!

wife: we need to turn around
husband: why? we're 30 minutes from home.
wife: i left the stove on and the shower running
husband: SUCK BRICK!
"damn dude, i accidentally dropped your keys in the river"
..."suck brick"

by BJT007 April 10, 2007

12๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Brick Chicks

Girls who sit at partys and drink all the beer/liquor and don't even interact.

Man, who let the brick chicks into my party? All they do is drink and not socialise.

by Tanto90 September 24, 2008

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Brick Wall

Seen in both Family Guy and stoner parties, brick walling is the act of getting a person to mentally visualize a hallway with many corridors, and then tricking them into running into a visualized brick wall at the end of said hallway.

Person1: You think he's high?
Person2: Let's find out. Hey druggy. Imagine you're in a hallway.
Druggy: (blank stare)
Person2: You start walking. You take a right. Then another right, then a left. BRICK WALL!
Druggy: Ahhhh!
Person2: Yeah, he's tweaked.

by Harmonex July 14, 2009

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