Source Code

Bro Blush

When a straight male counterpart blushes due to bromance.

When I get acknowledged by my idol, Johnny, I bro blush.

by RefineJVO March 20, 2013

Bro hug

A manly and heterosexual hug between two bros. Works as a good a greeting, farewell, congratulations, etc. Outsiders may see it as gay, but to bros they know what it really means. Its all about brotherly love.

Bro 1: "Hey man hows it goin!"
Bro 2: "Wassup dude!"
*bro hug occurs*

by What the Shit? October 2, 2008

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flip bros

A group of queers that have no life and their parents dont give a shit about what they do.
They also like to go 90 on a 40 and crash their challenger.

Did you hear about the flip bros. They be fucking eachother all the time

by Flipbros June 22, 2018

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Bro Fag

This Insecure Bro is a common commonly found within collegiate communities. They are between the ages of 18-23 and typically share the following hobbies with fellow bro fags: their passion for natural light, beer pong, crew cuts, pick up basketball, nike shoes, flip-flops, rap, hating, checking out other dudes to self assure their manhood, cheese dick pick-up lines and cheese dick humor... Bro Fags have no creativity and style. These people are not Individuals. They flock together with their Fag Posse. They typically pursue degree's in business, accounting, and management. The Bro Fag is a classic wigger/bro stereotype. If they see a black person at a party, they treat them like they would enjoy sucking the dude's penis while fucking with his jollies. However, the Bro Fag will immediately bash on the black dude's race when he is alone with other bro fags. *The Bro Fag is not fully 100% secure with his sexuality so he calls other dudes fags and gay to prove that he is not a secretly a homosexual*. BRO FAGS ARE TOOLS FOR MASS MEDIA & DOMINANT CULTURES! IF POP CULTURE CHANGES, SO DO THEY!!! YOU FUCKING CHEESE DICK FAGGOTS!!!!!!!!!!!

"Did that insecure Bro Fag just check me out and then call ME a fag for no reason? Man, that guy must be still confused about his sexuality... I'm really grateful I don't have issues like that."
- Any normal human being

by kidcudiSAVEScleveland October 14, 2010

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ay bro

New Zealand term for "hello"

"Ay Bro, what's going on?"

by Leah C May 25, 2007

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Bro paste

When your bro needs to take a shit but, there are no bathrooms in site. As a result, you be a bro and let him use your chest.

Bro: Yo my dude, I really need to shit. There's no bathrooms around, though.
You: No probs dude, I'll let you do a bro paste
Bro: You're such a bro

by Bro paste official March 3, 2018

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bro flops

sports flip flops worn with a pair of ankle high socks. Also typically worn with (but not limited to) shorts, sweat pants, or pajama pants.

Most predominantly found on college campus's

"dude, I just bought a new pair of bro flops from Adidas!"

"Some people wear flip flops to the beach, but I like to get sand in my socks. That's why I wear bro flops."

"Today I woke up and got dressed as usual, but when I got to the door I noticed my shoes were gone!?, so my only choice was to wear sandals; but I didn't want to take my socks off... so I decided to wear my bro flops"

by Firefoxett August 10, 2009

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