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gutter butter

1. Any manner of vaginal excretia, especially in regard to yeast infections.

2. Any form of sexual lubricant.

Dude, you may want to avoid that chick, she has gutter butter oozing from her bikini.

by Scotts Wood May 2, 2006

32πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

butter baby

A fine light skinned girl.

I be on the dance floor with butter babies, all dime pieces no ugly ladies. -Malik, Eastside Chedda Boys

by sdotty313 May 30, 2005

31πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

truffle butter

Truffle butter is when you pull you dick out of the asshole an continue fucking her pussy, and the tan buttery substance around her pussy is truffle butter.

Eat my pussy, hell nah bitch, not after I just put it in your pussy from your ass, you got truffle butter hoe!!

by makerhersquirt December 28, 2015

36976πŸ‘ 21452πŸ‘Ž

Queef Butter

The feminine juices ejected from a vagina

"I found her gym shorts practically dripping with queef butter..."

by deformeddavo January 29, 2008

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Grundle Butter

Noun: A greasy semi-transparent fluid which accumulates in the area between the asshole and ball sack (known as the grundle)

Verb: Spread or cover (something) with grundle butter

Noun: "Why does that napkin smell like shit?"
"It's got grundle butter on it"

Verb: "Budget rental trucks pissed me off so bad I grundle buttered their doorknob while they were closed"

by SurvivingMike May 31, 2011

22πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

chaco butter

The mixture of dirt and dead foot skin that is lodged in the crevices of one's Chacos. It is also sorta fun to get out with your pencil or roommate's toothbrush.

Look at how much chaco butter I have acquired.

by Chaco butta queen April 14, 2014

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Butter chicken

When your so deep in a woman’s arse you can stuff your balls in her pussy.

Last night I gave my missus the ol Butter chicken!

by Xmilko50 March 12, 2020

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