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calling pipe

to boastfully predict future laying of pipe (sexual intercourse) with a specific person

ex. Alex called pipe (past tense calling pipe) on Nikki and failed and therefore had to sleep in the garage

by callingpipe69 April 19, 2018

Call of nature

A polite way of proposing your needs of using the wash room!

Girl: Hey I have to answer the call of nature!
Girl 1: Can I come
Girl 2: Let's go
The rest of the girls: Ya! LET'S GO TOGETHER!!!

by StickyFingers27 July 15, 2021

Homework call

When you call your crush asking for "help" with your homework, but you really don't care about the homework. You just wanna hear his/her voice and possibly get her/him come over.

This homework is too hard! Let me make a homework call to my crush and ask for help!

by Itsbeenfun October 7, 2017

call that laptop

a term for e-sex

'oh bertha and kyle having e-sex? call that laptop!'

by sageleaaf March 11, 2022

Calling the Butler

A euphemism meaning to have sex with someone who is in a subservient role; to use someone as your sex slave; to have someone who can be called at any time for ones own gratification.

She was feeling very sexually frustrated, she'd evening considered calling the butler!

by JBach07 May 13, 2016

Ball Called

When a person accidentally calls you while scratching their balls. Similar to a butt dial.

Hey man I got a missed call.” “My bad I just Ball Called you.”

by Spooderman011 July 5, 2023

Call Soccer

A maligned practice of lazy employees at a call center or helpdesk who routinely reject, roll, or "kick" calls to other employees in the queue when they don't feel like doing their job but are otherwise capable of taking a call.

We had four people in the call queue this morning but I ended up with all the calls because the others were playing Call Soccer.

by anon banana November 10, 2020