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christopher hance

A man who plays basketball, baseball, and football. He's not a poop nugget and is wayyyy better than James! He gets all da the girls and gets me with style. What a guy!

Man, that guys is a definite Christopher Hance

by James the Poopnugget November 23, 2016




by InterpersonalCommunication February 20, 2025

Christopher Cobb

A toxic Pokémon Go player, known to cry when his gyms are beaten.

Christopher Cobb messaged me telling me to go to hell over Pokémon go

by PokemonGoGuy November 1, 2018

Christopher Denham as Klaus Fuchs

Christopher's Klaus Fuchs in Oppenheimer; from Oliver in 'Argo' to nuclear spy. Same intensity, different era!

Example of how it's used in a sentence:
Person 1: Who's the intense-looking guy playing the spy in Oppenheimer?

Person 2: Christopher Denham as Klaus Fuchs, the same guy from 'Argo!' He's got espionage in his blood.

by courtofowls September 4, 2023

Christopher Beck

Christopher Beck is a big Boi with big parts. He's a hard working man with his hands and will get the job done ;). He's gotta big heart under those titties and will stand by his hoes for life.

Christopher Beck makes all the girls jealous with his double D's

by SpackleNStrap March 29, 2022

Christopher Colombus

Some dude who went to go to Asia another way, but ended up in America.

He's treated as a hero in America, and he even has a holiday named after him (that's very controversial), but he has done some HORRIBLE shit. I'm talking about genocide, torture, rape, grand theft, and destroying (or almost destroying) an entire culture. Don't come at me with "well at least he didn't pour milk before cereal".

"My god Christopher Colombus has escaped from so much karma. He avoided so much karma to the point where despite all of the bad things he has done, the USA still sees him as some hero. This is just straight up blood boiling. More blood boiling than the fact that Junko Furuta's torturers are walking free and alive to this day."

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022

Roland Christopher

Roland Christopher is a good person and a very handsome man. He's very compatible with a girl named Irene.

Roland Christopher stole my heart. Ugh!

by motorchair May 17, 2022