Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement
“The President tweeted the word ‘covfefe’. We still don’t know what it means or why the President tweeted it, that’s why we’re gonna introduce The COVFEFE Act” - Mike Quigley
When your Twitter auto spells your secret name for Hilary's ass
Hill so's covfefe is right for my Pepe
Cov is the short version of coronavirus according to websites. Fe is the symbol for iron. Fefe refers to Iron (II) in medicine which is the medical term for iron in the blood.
It's a code, covfefe is not a word
When you asked for Coffee V, mixed up with milk, sugar and trumpance to produce a cup of Covfefe.
Dan: Turbulence of max. degree!
Sarah: Coffeev?
Dan: Covfefe :)
Means coffee, made popular by the media and Donald Trump.
Some may speculate that was meant to mean coverage, but it will always mean coffee to me.
"Do you want cream and sugar with your covfefe?"
When you are done with a discussion and wanna let other people know you don't give a fuck
''But that example is irrelevant, you're making no sense in purpose...nevermind, covfefe''