die-er,a word made by a brawl stars youtuber called waseem. die-er is a combination of "die"+ "er". die is what you do,die-er is the person doing it
also i believe in dogster lobster supremacy
"im just a better die-er"
"im the best die-er in the universe"
A phrase to use when something surprising, annoying, stupid, amusing, enlightening happens. Also usable whenever any event occurs and you are ready to move past it or ignore it.
Charley- “Ope, geez I just stepped in dog shit, keep er movin”
Bill- “Did ya hear about Janet getting frisky with her brother?”
Tom- “Oh yeah, keep er moving”
The act of throwing your hands up and announcing yourself
Hey yo food stamp!!
Ere I ee!!
A fuckboy who only texts you and flirts with you at 1 am when he’s bored and has nothing else to do.
Girl 1: He’s so cute! Last night he was telling me so many sweet things!
Girl 2: Stop it, hes a 1 am-er, he didn’t mean any of that.
the most inappropriate way to say peanut butter
I love peanus butt er.
A way of explaining something that means more than lovely but you're stuck for lovely
She was lovely but her cousin was lovely-er
It’s like for the streets but the hospital version.
An ICU nurse and a medsurg/tele RN are in the break room discussing how they have to make up for their ER’s incompetence.
ICU nurse: God I feel like we have to pick up their slack all the time
Medsurg/Tele nurse: what do they even do over there??
ICU nurse: what you mean besides each other?
Medsurg/Tele nurse: haha true I know one of them and her poor husband doesn’t know she gets loving from her coworkers, doctors, EMTs, paramedics, firemen, police, coroners, patients I mean he’s married to an Arby’s sandwich at this point
ICU nurse: oh yeah she’s for the ER for sure