The loss of real estate value caused by a bad, sloppy or lazy neighbor, as compared to comparable homes in the neighborhood that don't abut the bad neighbor. The difference in resale value between a home with good neighbors and a similar one with a bad neighbor.
My nasty neighbors next door kept bothering prospective buyers during showings, so I ended up selling for 20% less than the appraised value. The toth factor cost me thousands!
When you set a new “standard” on eating habits and weight, while believing they are good for you even though they aren’t. So you continue to eat the same way regardless of the negative damaging effects to ones self.
While visiting the doctors about my high blood pressure, cholesterol levels and weight, the doctor explained the road I was on would lead to death. But !! Also explained, The new Male standard for weight and eating habits, which he called The BRISTOL factor. So to celebrate, I took the family out for some high end Carbohydrates
the exageration of the truth
That story had some serious Goldsworthy factor
An ideas or events that strongly influences new ideas and occasions that branch out to form new ideas.
Liberty is the shadow factor of civil disobedient and individualism that consider others' values in order for the society , such as the Americans, to work.
When society judges people whether they are successful or not by the number of zeros they have accumulated in their bank accounts—when hundredaires and thousandaires are normally overlooked and looked down while millionaires and billionaires are noticed and respected (or even worshipped).
What differentiates the rich and the famous from the poor and the notorious on this side of heaven is not just the fear factor but also the zero factor.
Pronunciation buhd fak-ter
The gross exaggeration or embellishment of everyday events; can often times be complete fabrications.
"I came home from work and drank a 12 pack"
(After employing the Bud Factor, that 12 pack was suddenly only 3 beers)