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Fast-talkin' is when you "slur" or "run" your words together so that it all comes out as one long vocalization withholding the gaps that would normally fit between words. It's simply a more relaxed, gangsta, stoner friendly, chilled out, way of speaking, especially between peers. SOME-TIMES - When - we - speak - too - properly, - our - communication - can - sound, - and - come - across - as - aloof - and - even - rude. So sumtimez, yoozgotstuh jusss letit rolloffyuhtung. yuhnowwuteyesane?

fast-talkin - is an American slang or lingo usually used by young people and is a prefered way to communicate without sounding stuffy and uptight."

For example: "You know what I am saying?" could come out more like "nowuteyesane?"

Person #1: Yo brotha, howyew doon? I hopeyuh goodcuz I'maneed me sum cheerin up tuhday, nowuteyesane dawg?

Person #2: What? Are you speaking English? Get an education! My goodness me oh my.

Person #1: Dood, I'am fuckin ED-JEW-CAITED, whuthuhfukyew trippin foe? I'wuz fast-talkin' doo..(or "What's up with you? could come out like "whachupitchoo?")

Person #2: Well I do not approve of your horribly pronounced speech, it makes me VERY UNcomfortable.

Person #1: Whachupitchoo man? Yewneeduh chill out mothafuckuh.

by St. Justael September 28, 2013

dry fast

Like water fast but without water or any liquids usually a term used by anorexic communities and is dangerous as it’s dehydrating

I am going to dry fast today I won’t drink any water or liquids until it’s over

by Lanadoom July 26, 2023

fast chair

when you be fuckin sum bich in a library and dip the fuk out after u nut and sit on a chair with a book and act like nothing happened

Bro did u fast chair that chick

by DenewProfit February 16, 2018

break the fast food breakfast

wow how did you make it here

break the fast food breakfast

by The boredom guy March 6, 2024

Vroom Vroom Fast

When someone or something is going fast but no one knows their actual speed but it is clearly seen that they are going very fast, then they are going "vroom vroom fast"

He went vroom vroom fast as he ran down the hill.

by Sluurrp January 13, 2020

To Fast

Your doing the most or you think you know everything and over exaggerate everything . Basically just stop doing the most your to fast

Your doing the most or you think you know everything and over exaggerate everything

Friend: Your to fast bro like move around always doing something Exaggerating
Other friend: My fast I’ll maintain next time

by JerJer2x January 3, 2020

fast n blast

A rotation of rapid clitoral stimulation followed by violent, intense finger blasting.

What's the best way to get a girl off?

Are you kidding me? You've never heard of the good ol' FAST N BLAST!! It's my go to but make sure to wear goggles.

by Squid's House October 7, 2013