An idiot who is not only reject by society and is also not accepted by the retard community. Total out cast
Man that dude is a fucktard rejected loser!
A scrotum licking fucktard is generally someone, Who finds pleasure in licking scrotums like a fucktard. This term is used to describe those, Mainly the fucktard trait of them.
Look at eric lick that scrotum, Such a scrotum licking fucktard.
An idiot who is absolutely retarded that society nor the retarded people want. Cast out completely
Spreading videos of fuck tards doing mentally defective things when you make a smart video.
Me: omg NO WAY how stupid!
Lil fuck boi: nice video!
Me: no its a dumbly defective video
Lil fuck boi: ... Fucktardation spreading
A French person who doesn't likes speaking English even though she can.
Girl 1: I met this crazy French girl who didn't want to speak English even though she could.
Girl 2: What do you expect? She's a French fucktard.
A person whose sole purpose in life is to fuck (adult) drooler (s).
Look at the fucktarder banging droolers
When you hang around someone that acts like a fucktard and you start acting like a fucktard , you have caught the fucktard virus
Dude you hung around that fucktard for so long you caught his fucktard virus.