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i hate snakeu

This is a phrase used to express one's dislike or displeasure of the snake.

This phrase arose and became popular when J-Hope (BTS) recalled his terrifying encounter with snakes.

J-Hope: i-i-i-i-i I HATE SNAKEU!

by J-Hope's Snakeu January 24, 2018

172πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

hate koffner

probably the most hideous creature to walk the earth thus far; covered with excessive hair; always up for showers and nipple showings; contains many fiddle bits in rare areas and identifies most with starving giraffes

Hate Koffner, stop scratching that chow mayne!

Hate Koffner, get control of that lions mayne!

by rachy D May 10, 2006

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

I hate ni

A Legendary sentence by Peter griffin.
I hate ni were is last words he couldn't finish is sentence because he died while he was takling so we will never now what he was going to say.

Peter: I hate ni

by THE KAK March 29, 2023

83πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

I hate life

Same Bro

Friend: I hate life

Me: Same bro

by Wild Asian December 3, 2019

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Hate Crime

An act of intentional hating on another person with the intention of causing severe damage to one’s reputation and/or status. A malicious and spiteful act committed out of jealousy and envy.

Example: I was dating my office manager completely under the radar. Her jealous ex, who works in the mail-room, went and snitched to the company CEO and got both of us fired. Her ex committed a Hate Crime. He’s just mad β€˜cause he wish he could be me.

by JaiKwaan January 7, 2011

4πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

I hate Antichrist

This word is used to troll UN (United Nations) blue heads (peacekeepers) to make them trigger easily. Basically Antichrist is Jesus Christ for UN and if you disrespect Antichrist, they will try to find your location and send peacekeepers to your location.

Michael: I hate Antichrist
UN Delta team: Delta, it's Delta we found the location of the person that said "I hate Antichrist". Sending location to Bravo team, copy.
UN Bravo team: Affirmative, we got the location of the target, sending "peacekeepers" to the work, copy.
UN Delta team: Roger that.

by TheMistrustfulPretender April 19, 2021

i hate camping

what i type in on google

He said, "I hate camping", because camping was dirty as heck.

by pdtd September 3, 2021