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Diesel Hippie

Someone who is environmentally conscious, especially in regard to global warming. However, drives a truck or car that belches black smoke. Usally owns sleds, quads, dirt bikes etc.

Zack keeps talking about saving the polar bears but drives that lifted dodge 1 ton that smokes more then a chines factory. Definitely a diesel hippie.

by Trash Panda101 October 22, 2018

Fake hippy

Anyone wearing long hair because it's fashionable or socially acceptable, ie, many people these days,including dreadlocks, ponytails, and man buns, without any predilection towards or interest in the hippy lifestyle,ie, a total fake or fraud

Look at that stupid scally twat and his long hair, he looks like a fucking psychopath, fake hippy cunt

by Colonel Hassle July 28, 2019

Hippie hug

To hug a person with the the arms extended and the elbows close to the body because you dont want the other person to smell your bad under arm odor.

I'm so gross and smelly; I've been giving hippie hugs all day.

by Read Them All August 5, 2018

Hippie jail

When some wook steals from family or does some other heinous act and is subsequently beaten and then duct taped to a tree with 10-30 hits of acid in their mouth

Yo, did you hear about that wook that stole the pendant from that vendor last week and got caught?

Yeah, he spent two days in hippie jail for that shit. Im pretty sure i heard him scream a few times around 5am.

by DcDavis August 25, 2019


Noun. Adjective: Hippie-critical. A person who drives a very large SUV with bumper stickers reading things such as "Walk More" and "Cut Out Fossil Fuels".

MARY: Why does that Escalade have a sticker reading "Drive Less"?
BOB: Oh, they're just hippie-crites.

by Velma Hart August 14, 2011

Hippy Spinach

Another name for weed

Dude, I just smoked so much hippy spinach.

by Bungholio January 30, 2016

Balloon Hippie

You were walking with your friends the other day and see a balloon with, religious writing on it floating In the stream. you walk up stream a bit and see a hippie with balloons and a sharpie.as your walking past He heard you swear and said “God wouldn’t want you to swear”, so you reply by saying “do you think god what want you polluting his waters with balloons”.

“Look at that guy Writing happy notes on people’s lockers. What a Balloon Hippie ”

by Super accurate description October 9, 2020