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International Monke appreciation day

On November 27 and December 32, it is the International Monke Appreciation Day! That means everyone has to wish someone or more a Happy Monke Day.

Instagram story: I wish everyone a happy Monke day.

Reply: Monke

Wow, it is the International Monke Appreciation Day! This day is going to be lit!

by MonkeDankMemes November 27, 2021

Singapore korean international school

This school was found in 1993 in singapore. Located in 71 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289759. This school has around total 200 people only in high school and this school has not enough tables and chairs for students to sit to attend the class. Do you think all the koreans are smart? Or pretty? Nope not in singapore, especially in singapore... in SKIS there is actual chickens running around the school and near the cafeteria and we actually have them in cage so we can take care of it with our students school fee. Guess what? The food is $7 and the taste? Full of shit and gives us diarrhea. The school teachers are the worst of the worst, in this school the teachers are the king and treat the students like their gina. This school has quite a bit of cute/hot guys tho xx

Singapore korean international school is not a school

it is like a prison

by Fuk skis August 20, 2021

International sloopy toopy day

Give a tall guy, with curly hair a sloopy toopy. Why? Because you should just do it.

If he eats you out you better be sucking

International sloopy toopy day

Just suck it

by The Big better man April 14, 2021

International dick grab day

The action of grabbing one's dick.Celebrated on April 17.With it or not,prepare to have your pp grabbed.

She grabbed my pp and said happy International Dick Grab Day.

by Jaii dxn April 16, 2019

International Random Song Day

International random song day is celebrated on December 27 every year. Its a day that encourages sharing random and obscure music with everyone, not just internet people.

Songs promoted can be mainstream or indie they just have to be random selected by either their obscurity or by putting your mp3 player on shuffle all and going next about 4 times to make sure its nice and random.

"You totally need to listen to Plumbtree - Scott Pilgrim, it just came up on my ipod for International Random Song Day, its old but awesome!"

by evilspyboy December 7, 2011

International Bully Matt day

December 2nd is the date of bullying Matt. Where every Matt, Matty or Mateusz is bullied relentlessly. Encourage any non-Matt to partake.

A: "It's December 2nd!"
B: "So?"
C: "It's international bully Matt day!"

by Average Matt Hater December 2, 2022

International pat pat day

On the 5th on January,it is international pat pat day. You are allowed to receive as many pat pats as you want.

1:Why are you pat patting me?
2:it is 5th of January,international pat pat day.

by Alex the meow January 5, 2021