Source Code

womans rights

Something that happened many years ago that gave women the right to do what they want without having to answer to their husbands or "better halves." Now woman can have jobs vote or even run for office if they so choose to without having to deal with the cheuvantistic pigs that try to bring us down.

Man:"Woman, get back in the kitchen, and make me some pie!!"
Woman:"Fuck you!"*leaves the room.*
Man"Come on baby, lets talk about this."
Woman:"Talk about this!!"*slugs the idiot out the door and locks it so he can't get back in.*

by Amy's random thoughts July 20, 2005

115πŸ‘ 170πŸ‘Ž

Mr. Right

A nickname given to a math teacher who always reminds his students not to assume that an angle in a geometric figure is ninety degrees, although it may deceptively look like it is a right angle.

Students of Mr. Wright call him β€œMr. Right Wright” or β€œMr. Right Squared,” because he won’t give them any marks if they assume without proof that a triangle is a right triangle.

by MathPlus January 18, 2019

186πŸ‘ 283πŸ‘Ž

Equal rights

If women want equal right we'll give equal fight

You want equal rights?here's a 12 gauge slug to the head

by Turn_off_safe_search_sonic_69 May 22, 2020

28πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

right out

assed out,shut down,deaded

You: O I asked my mom if i can go to the movies and she said no
Me:Damn you right out

by Ronneshia April 20, 2008

14πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

your right

The sarcastic way to let the people that are communicating with you know that they are wrong, very wrong. The only comeback to this response would be "I'm wrong." clarifying that the person declaring "your right" is wrong.

Justin: Dude, I was a beast at Halo2!!!

Chris:Your right.

Justin:I'm wrong!

Chris:Fine lets go get a copy and play right now!

Justin:I can't right now because I must go and count leaves....outside..... right now, sorry I have to go.

by FIASH December 13, 2007

11πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

She'll be right

A New Zealand saying which roughly translates into "Don't worry everything will be ok"

Bob "The sheep are loose again"
Bruce "Eh, she'll be right"

by nikz07 October 12, 2011

62πŸ‘ 90πŸ‘Ž

right with the white

a person who likes to date white people but isn't white.

I heard she is right with the white.

by Jasmine K. July 4, 2005

8πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž