A white boy that exclusively dates black girls. They are commonly red headed and nerdy.
Ryan’s a total snow ferret, his last girl friend was black as hell
A woman who is 55 years or older that dates at least 15 years younger than her age.
Happy birthday your 55. You've offically become a snow leopard
When you take a shot of cum, and then chase it with a mouthful of piss.
Me and the boys took a break from watching the I-500 international snowmobile race to go out into the snowy woods to start “Pissing in the snow.”
When you pull out after having sex while she is on her period and your bloody dick and ballsack accidentally hit the sheets leaving the impression of a snow angle.
Her (after period sex): "How bad is the mess...??"
Him (admiring the sheets): "I only left one Snow Angel this time and it's freaking HUGE!!!"
The little bit of snow that you see just before the storm erupts.
Melissa tilted back her head, closed her eyes and caught a little bit of pre snow on her tongue.
Typically a darker skinned person, preffeering, or more attracted to lighter skinned people.
Snow-Lover. Yeah she's totally a "snowluver" ..look at that white boy she with.