An American adult animated television series that aired on VH1 in 2003. It is about Joel Stein,1 the host of a three-minute rock-star interview show on VH1 called "3 minutes with Joel". However, he is anything but respectful to his famous guests, often badgering them with aggressive, pointless, irreverent, and often insulting questions.
The greatest footballer to ever live
Joel matip>messi,ronaldo,zidane,pele,r9
Deadbeat father, nutted infront of a bunch of 8th graders while teaching a lesson!
Joel bowers is a pedophile!
Deadbeat dad who nutted on himself in class, infront of a bunch of freshman students at jay county high-school
Joel bowers is a pedophile
dum :)
cumming joel was being weird in the bed room :D
most likely watches hentai with the bois
yoooo joel hagen we watching hentai again
Coke, a handful of pineapple and a shot of rye
Aka an awesome drink created by Alex Turner and Joel Hansen
Dude im making Joel Hansens tonight!
The Joel Hansen is an awesome drink