A censored way of saying masturbation. Often used by twitter accounts that don't want to be flagged or generally anyone uncomfortable with saying masturbation/masturbate.
I wanted to m word last night but my dog kept walking into my room.
10๐ 6๐
Similar to phrases like: Excellent and Holy Cow! Except put together that wouldn't sound right. (Exceloly Cow!) See?
This phrase comes from Professor Frink from the Simpsons.
M-hay! I see a pretty La-dy!
Well, m-hay! I see your point.
7๐ 3๐
Sadism and masochism, When someone is turned on by pain...... (whips and spankin')
stick and stones may break my bones but chains snd whips they excite me!!!!!! (s and m;D)
163๐ 155๐
M-16 first introtuced in the 60's for troops in the Vietnam war version A1, A2 was introduced in the 80's, A2 used by NATO forces, can also use m203 grenade launher
The Army and the Marines use the m16a2 for training and clearing out areas with the m203 tactical grenade launcher
80๐ 71๐
CAL-Main or Cyberathelete Amateur League Main Division. Better than CAL-o and IM , but not quite as good as teams in CAL-p and I.Working their way up.
That CAL-m team would woop that CAL-o team, but get pwnt by that CAL-i team.
85๐ 77๐
U.S. military's proud gas operated, air cooled, light weight, hand held piece of shit. It is very sensitive to all elements that you'd find outdoors, including air and sunshine. It jams if fly shit gets into the bolt so essentially it's not much of a infantry weapon. It must be cleaned constantly to be able to fire a full magazine, and after that it needs more maintanence. To extend a grunt's life on the battlefield, the A2 variant isn't fully automatic, so there will be some time between dissasembly and cleaning. The reason it became standard issue in the U.S. military is because in the 1960's Colt executives bought some high ranking military brass a few beers and lapdances. Other than that, there's no reason why a recognized military would adopt such garbage.
PFC.Smith:"Hey Jones, i can't open this beer!"
PFC.Jones:"Use the ejection port on your M-16, stupid."
99๐ 94๐
S- Sadism - Tortures a person
M- Masochism - Loves to be tortured
"Are you S or M?" "I'm S. You?" " M" "(โคฯโค)" "mommy, What is S&M?
8๐ 4๐