To do something exeptionally great when drunk. This word was coined by the famous David Engelin, a pedophile in Sollentuna, Sweden. Called "mada" in Swedish, pronounced mad+ah.
I went mading last night. I got drunk, ate crayfish, drank mintu, got asked what I was doing by a big security guard, to which I answered "mading", got kicked out.
When your so angry the English word “mad” just isn’t impactful enough.
Garret was made when Katie chose Anna over him.
Japanese word meaning "until", "as far as", "even", or "only". Pronounced as "maa-deh".
迄 in kanji, but usually rendered as the kana まで (今まで, ima made (until now) is one phrase that appears very often).
"Hyottoshite, ima made kidzuite nakatta no desu ka"
"Iya, aa.... Souzou rachigai datta mon de..."
"Did you possibly not notice until just now?"
"Er, well.... It was just so beyond my imagination that..."
An adjective used to describe a successful and/or popular individual, or used to describe something relatable.
Dude, you’re so made.
That’s totally made.
When you are so mad you misspell mad and instead say made
She made me so made when she took my car keys
Seorang pria yang sangat friendly, pintar, suka berinteraksi, dan sangat senang dalam bersosialisasi, mungkin agak ngeselin dan sok tau, tapi sangat ringan tangan untuk menolong teman yang kesusahan. Untuk pemikiran dia bisa dibilang sangatlah "stabil" dalam mentalnya, meskipun dia sering tempramental. Jadi jika bertemu dia "jika bisa" jadikanlah dia teman, karena walaupun dia banyak kekurangannya, dia sangatlah loyal, royal, caring, dan loving.
Teruskan perjuanganmu Made !!!
Orang 1 : Made baik juga ya ternyata
Orang 2 : Iya walaupun cuma teman dia mau bantuin kita
A fighting bemmimgfilm. Original GanBJraStas Original gANBJrASTErs by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.
I invented and made and created and started muahlonnbeat down bejripytomburieds relbjaloods made in AMERICA. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior leader LBJAY MARCH 10th 19eightynine.