《¤》Mini Dragon 《¤》mini Dragon 《¤》Mini Dragon《¤》
This is one Badass Gangsta, this type of dude will be cool one second tho and as soon as something offends him he does the Mini Snap where he will headbutt your mother and pistol whip your dad and walk out with your dice, title to your car, your sister, your bike, all your cash and you'll still be apologizing to him for it not being enough. If you have kids tho he will be the first one to bring them gifts and to make sure they are OK and have the things they need. He can be in a gang and walk threw a rival gangs house and the rival member will be all like,"OH hey mini you good you need a drink you wanna use me as a foot stool or f!@# my chick it's cool" and his chick will be all like,"yeah its cool, your so hott."
Mini Snaps Friends, "Yo! Did you see what Mini Snaps did to New Joursey? He f!@$$# the whole states B>÷$(@'s now New York is jealous!
Mini Snaps walks in, "Pretty Kewwl!" "DECENT!" "THE WHOLE TIME!"
The best budget mouse. Even though your friends pretend to hate it, deep down they all know that its the best budget mouse available for under $50.
Friend: fuck yo bitch ass razer viper mini
You: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
1: main food staple for meepers
2: small, capsuled doses of ecstasy
1: man, i could use a bowl of frosted mini meeps right now to start off my day!
2: aye, you got any frosted mini meeps for sale?
The greatest group of friends ever created in the whole world. It is a big band of boys that have been friends since a very long time. The club is exclusive and unique. They always have the best parties in Monterrey, Mexico.
Did you know I am a member of the Mini Marne.
I always have a great time with Mini Marne.
A wave associated we the coolest of mini van drivers. Once thought to be a form or road rage from inconspicuous fathers stuck driving the family mini van when they would rather be driving a jeep
Chris says " as this sweet mini van apporaches make sure to use your best mini van wave "
When you tighten a zip-tie round the base of your erect penis, resulting in the head of your penis turning dark purple. The purple penis head resembles a certain fast food mascot named Grimace.
Your mom loves to give my mini grimace a kiss.