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Do you want to hit this?”
“Nate, thanks though

by ho3ho3ho3 December 9, 2019


A mf shi be happening to.

What happened to Nate?

by Iamsaintnate November 23, 2021


literally the sickest name to ever exist ever

wow Nate is so cool and swag im literally crying rn Nate is so cool ohhh my god ohhh

by silvershearts October 13, 2020


The one guy that always loses the kids.

Karen: Im taking the kids!

Nate: Again? Seriously karen?

by MrKelpy November 3, 2019


Nate is easy to fall in love with, but will always break your heart when you do. He won't notice when your heart is broken, and will be nice to you anyway. He is kind, but if you get on his bad side he can be cold and distant.

Nate broke my heart.

by Aliceeeeeeeeeee March 18, 2019


A man who is typically very gay and has raped at least one person in their life time

That guy is such a Nate.

by Kinggrant14633) March 13, 2020


Full of himself and roasts like a 6 year old

;wears ugly shoes

Wait is that really Nate????

by Hannahbanananan February 2, 2019