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a blade with handle also thing that people use to murder others

i murdered fred with my sword

by hellandickentomaduckentallingo December 23, 2021


Another word for peen.

Chad: "Bro last night I slapped my sword all over Jessica

by OOFERGOOFER May 31, 2019


A device used to clean out the ear

Hey bro why did u take that sword?

My ears tingling.

by Kidsinmybasementwontshutup December 7, 2021


When a baseball player swings foolishly at a pitch outside of the strike zone to strike out.

(Strikes out player) "Sword!"

by Baseballplayer05 May 20, 2024


An epic duel (some call it a dance) in which each contestant attacks the opponents pee steam in the same urinal! In effort to over power their stream. To prove once and for all! You have a greater penile velocity , or possibly just heavier flow!

Hey guys! Anybody want to play swords?

by swords January 7, 2018

Spanish sword fight

A Spanish Sword Fight or Swordfight is when three or more couples pair off and the woman who brings her man off first is the winner. The man who is the first to be brought off is the loser but some may say he also won.

The frat had a Spanish Sword Fight last night. Flounder had no chance against Lot Lizard Lucy.

by zack1964 February 1, 2024

Swords Dance

Action of raising your Pokemon's attack stat by two levels. It's better to make a smirk after using this move so your opponent knows that he or she is in trouble and that the enemy Pokemon is going to die.
This move is known for a good amount of species but we can see that pokemon like Blaziken, Lucario, Aegislash and Arceus are masters of this move in the competitive scenary so it's most likely for you to lose a pokemon match by getting completely destroyed in a Gen 7 format fight against this dudes.

Jack: Blaziken! Use Swords Dance!
Matt: Well, I´m fucked up now

by GabeWolf07 February 17, 2019