don't f*** up
Albert, don't drop a baby on that task!
The act of being yag or a yagger to not sag. Only yaggers can be called this when they're only yag. Sagging is for fucking cunts.
What the fuck man? You're trying to be cool in school AGAIN? Remember, be yag and don't sag... bitch.
what you say when "can you not" is not good enough for you.
Friend: I hate jews. I wish i was hitler, too bad he killed himself...
Me: Can you don't man.
Gamer: Let's play Don't starve together ! The only rule is to not to starve together!
Gamer 2: Okay! I'll just wait near a tree so I can starve alone!!!
You say you are going to show up soon and then take a few decades.
Joey: "I'll be there in 40 minutes"
Ben: "Don't pull a Mason"
*2 hours later*
Joey:"I'm here"
Indicates one's desire to preserve a bromance. Used in time's of great bromotional despair.
Brad: "You fucked my sister? What the hell ?"
Dave: "Don't stop brolieving..."
Brad: "What are you-"
When people ask you something and it can be generally be anything and you don't want to give them the full details you just say Don't worry Cuz it is also appropriate to use anytime and anywhere you can even say "Dont worry cuz i got this"
Friend: "Hey do you still like that girl"
You: " Don't worry Cuz"