A Noob Lair is a specific area in a MMORPG or map on a multiplayer game where 1 or more noobs usually hide or stay after considering it sufficient, a noob lair is goes through multiple stages:
Noob nest:1 noob,the starter, who may lead any other noobs who decide to join him in it
Noob Lair: 2 or more noobs, this is where the chain of command begins to appear.
Noob castle: 50 or more noobs, large area becomes their hideout, but isn't to hard to locate.
Noobs consider a variety of things before making their nest:
1. Xp supply, they use any nearby monsters like a farm, killing it again and again to supply their hunger.
2. Nearby friendly towns, noobs don't enjoy a public area, some might, and make corners of cities their lair. They do need a area to trade and get stuff they need.
3. Hostile towns nearby, noobs enjoy having a area to raid and attack if necessary, but not if it attracts high-levels.
4. Scenery, noobs love living in a awesome- looking area.
1.View, a noob must be able to see all his victims before they see him
2. ammo, a respawning supply of ammo is necessary.
Sometimes the starter of a noob nest becomes extremely hostile, attacking all nearby foes, this noob is a noob hermit, a loner.
Player 1: "Hey look at all those noobs!"
Player 2: "Yeah what a noob lair"
if you are lucky and a noob at the same time
This Fizz escapes with 1 hp everytime , fuckin noob lucker
a structure of at least two blocks tall by which minecraft noobs can escape hostile mobs. usually made of dirt, sand, or cobblestone.
Steve was surrounded by zombies on his first night in Minecraft, and quickly made a noob tower of dirt to escape them through the night.
Omg u r such a power-noob jo
Hahaha fuck off, i hav leveled up & am no longer a power-noob
Model 1887 shotgun utilised by noobs on call of duty modern warfare 2, frequently earning the ire of his fellow gamers due to the rediculous one hit kill range.
Damn cracker-ass mofo just noob musketed my ass!
Used to describe a person who is unskilled and noob as same as roc.
An individual who plays on a newly created account to play with people way below his/her skill level
I only lost because of that fake noob