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tube whore

A person who posts mindless or useless videos to youtube en masse with the hopes of being socially accepted.

Dang! Ole boy's got 357 YouTube videos. Talk about a tube whore.

by Jason Klotz November 6, 2007

AIM Whore

A person on AOL Instant Messenger who updates their status frequently throughout the day.

AIM Whore
"going to Wal-Mart soon <3"

Dec 12 at 4:21PM via AIM for iPhone

AIM Whore
"ugh. horrible mood"

Dec 12 at 2:17PM via AIM for iPhone

AIM Whore

Dec 12 at 2:03PM via AIM for iPhone

AIM Whore
"Cant wait for Christmas!!"

Dec 12 at 12:46PM via AIM for iPhone

(More statuses would be up there, say, 24 for each day but i could not fit them all)

by T-Man the Champ December 27, 2011

Dope Whore

A dope whore is a nasty dope feening male or female who will perform any and every kind of sexual act for trade of usually any kind of drug.

Liz is a big time dope whore, she just sucked small dick Tim for a 1/2 hr and only a crack rock.

by PuertoRicanMeliSue December 24, 2019

award whore

Person who obsessively craves awards and recognition. These individuals devote most of their time and effort developing intricate Machiavellian plans to obtain more awards and recognition. Social interactions are dominated by bragging about awards received, describing current plans in excruciating detail and patronizing advice on how others can obtain awards.

Dude: Hey, Richard, you're an award whore!
Richard: Great! I'll add that to my resume.

by Thabias Gruntfuttock April 24, 2014

whore lip

Herpes simplex virus type 1 commonly called a cold sore.

Mother: Haley, your sore is leaking again.
Grandma: I have remedy for whore lip.

I caught whore lip from a rando at the bar last night.

by JD Hall November 6, 2007

53👍 7👎

Mac Whore

A person who is always seen to be on their iPhone and is obsessed about always going to the Apple store. They are the first person to have any updated Apple software that comes out, and will wait in line on release day at the Apple store to obtain them. Upon going to their house, you can expect to see at least 5 Apple computers without any trace of a PC.
As soon as a slightly faster, bigger, or more aesthetic Mac product is released, they WILL purchase it.

Man, you're such a mac whore! If Steve Jobs crapped in a mug, you would most certainly buy it.

by MacMan14 September 7, 2009

40👍 4👎

son of a whore

1. The son of a prostitute.
2. The son of an unmarried mother, a bastard
3. Somebody objectionable.

"You son of a whore, how could you go behind my back?! How could you betray me like that?!"

Usually used as an alternate for "son of a bitch", although "son of a whore" would be the literal translation of many foreign equivalents:

Spanish: hijo de puta
French: fils de pute
Italian: figlio di puttana
Portuguese: filho da puta
Irish: mac striapaí
Scottish Gaelic: mac strìopaich, mac na galla
Breton: mab c'hast
German: Hurensohn, Dirnensohn
Polish: sukinsyn
Hungarian: kurvafi
Persian: matar jendeh

by Lorelili July 2, 2009

102👍 14👎