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Friend's list friends

They're the one who are on your friend's list. You give a shit about them & vice versa. They add you at the first place you join a site. They are always online & after some time you become one of them or go offline or invisible

Day one: Pete (Online); Jake (Online), XXglamgirlXX (Busy)

Day two: Pete (Online); Jake (Online), XXglamgirlXX (Busy)

Day three: Pete (Online); Jake (Online), XXglamgirlXX (Busy)

Day four: Pete (Online); Jake (Online), XXglamgirlXX (Busy)

Day five: Pete (Idle); Jake (Online), XXglamgirlXX (Busy)
Friend's List Friends Damn


by AnythinGoes May 29, 2010

fuck it list

n. a list of things that you probably shouldn't have done

Now that's definitely one for the fuck it list!

by Timmie Tam July 16, 2022

fuck it list

n. A list of things that you probably shouldn't have done

That's one for my bucket list and another one for my fuck it list

by Timmie Tam July 16, 2022

Fuck it list

Fuck it list (noun) a list of places that people want to travel to and see before they kick the bucket . They might do other things that they wanted to but never had the chance to ....

I ,would love to travel around the world before I kick the bucket ..i don’t have a bucket list , my list is a fuck it list

by Pink warrior July 4, 2018

fuck it list

a sex bucket list - you go throught the the alphabet, and the letter you're up to is the first letter of a place ya gotta have sex at.

dude i'm up to d with jessica on our fuck it list , so far we've done it in an aquarium, boat, church and a dressing room. i'm most exited about s if you ask me.

by pseudoymmyass March 23, 2017

central intelligence agency is for dean's list.


😱: central intelligence agency is for dean's list.

by InterpersonalCommunication February 17, 2025

Central Intelligence Agency Is For Dean's List.


😱: Central Intelligence Agency Is For Dean's List.

by InterpersonalCommunication February 17, 2025