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poopy stink hole

a poopy stink hole is a toylet that hasent been flused for 7 days

my poopy stink hole is leaking

by c beeer September 9, 2022

Poopy Water Balls

To have poop and water get on your balls

I can't stand when I go to the bathroom and end up with poopy water balls.

by Skot216 May 29, 2019

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Poopy butt cheeks

It mean when you forget to wipe your butt cheeks

Roman for got to wipe his but cheeks after he went to take a dookey so he had poopy butt cheeks ๐Ÿ’ฉ

by Boywood13 October 15, 2017

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poopy shit fart

when someone calls you a "diarrhea emoji" on Twitch you reply by calling them a poopy shit fart.

Person 1 in chat: "hey diarrhea emoji."
Twitch streamer: "what up you poopy shit fart"

by hottdog November 19, 2021

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Fruity poopy cup

A cup with poop and fruit

Hey may I have a fruity poopy cup!

by Idkakammam November 19, 2021

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poopy pants prather

Any person with a proclivity to passing out and taking a shit in their pants after drinking excessive amounts of alcohol.

Dude, you were being a real "poopy pants prather" last night. My apartment is real tony now because of you.

by P-Rave April 2, 2009

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Poopie-face magoo

An adjective describing someone who is being difficult, annoying, childish or silly. Also used to disagree with someone's idea or statement.

Katherine: I want a puppy for the apartment!
Paul: Stop being a poopie-face magoo, a puppy is a lot of work.


Katherine: We should name our puppy D.O.G.
Paul: Right... Poopie-face magoo.

by KAZEMOTO October 22, 2009

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