Nathaniel and Jerry, translucent sharks 10x the size of a normal shark. Mainly inhabiting the Atlantic Ocean they eat large amounts of fish, seals, and cult members who fail to impress their greatness. With a cult based around them, the religion worshiped by only the most intelligent and strong extremists (and this one autistic dude), their cult numbers are few but powerful
The Shark Gods will smite you down with the power of the ocean
The result of letting a poop go in the middle of a lake.
Christina just let out the biggest brown shark
Grandpa Shark is the old guy outside the elementary school looking to pick up a baby shark doo doo doo doo da doo and molest it in his basement
Yesterday a Grandpa Shark was arrested for kidnapping little kids and molesting them in his basement.
When you are pushed too far and it, "flips a switch internally" and your eyes go "dark".
I didn't want any trouble and tried to de-escalate but they kept pushing and pushing and I could feel myself beginning to have shark eyes.
Ever seen the girl of your dreams but she has a boyfriend? Well it’s time to steal her from him, the season of trying to shark your girl from her mans.
I want Susie so bad but she’s dating Chris, it’s about to be sharking season I’m gonna steal her from him.
A fugly white guy/girl usually trashy that exclusivly goes for the mexican minority group.
Damn you see burrito shark? she was all over dat fence hopper.
A silly shark is when you are soooo funny you get blood thirsty and eat human
A: Babe, you are so silly shark!
*Babe eats person A*