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Squatting Mellon

The act of having a girl hang from a barbell upside down giving you a blow job while you are maxing out your squat. So that you sweat in her eyes and mouth so that you cause her much discomfort.

I have a terrible rash from that Squatting Mellon I performed last night.

by Krispy Kreme buttdeeds November 19, 2012

Undercover squat

When you're so obsessed with working out that you find any opportunity to squat.

I did many undercover squats before finally sitting on the toilet

by Imalljammedup December 13, 2016

peep squat

people attending some bands that goes super hyper like they want to go in front of the stage and they do some groovy moves in public

Girl: Are you goin to Maroon 5 Concert
Boy: A lot of peep squat in there LOL

by WHATTHEFOXSAY October 13, 2017

squat diddly


He talks a lot of smack about computers, but he actually knows squat diddly about operating systems or programming.

by Kolchak Jones March 9, 2017

Empty Packet squatting


The act of leaving the last three crisps, the last doughnut, the last five mililitres of beer, simply to avoid putting the packet in the bin

Joe: Aww man these crisps have green mold on them!
Tom: Yeah I know dude, you've been empty packet squatting for like 2 weeks!

by kiillrz October 14, 2011

Kumquat squat

when you squat and cum,piss, and shit over you partners penis and moan all at the time

man sally over there gave me a nice Kumquat squat a few mins ago

by measpinner2647 February 29, 2016

judo squat

when a judo instructor poop while you are sparring

person 1: I took my first judo lesson

person2: how did it go?
person 1: Half way through sparring I felt some brown sludge

person 2: you definitely experienced a judo squat

by come hawk March 21, 2024